Aeronose® Nasal CAST

Nanopharm has developed a proprietary in-vitro nasal spray development platform called Aeronose®. This Nasal CAST modeling system was co-developed by Aptar Pharma and the University of Tours, France. Created to help Nanopharm scientists to assess the spray deposition patterns of nasal spray products across different target regions of the nasal cavity, this innovative in-vitro system provides the detailed deposition information needed to optimize formulations as part of integrated nasal spray development programs. And it’s available only from Nanopharm.

Innovation in Nasal CAST Modeling

Dedicated exclusively to the development of nasal and inhaled drug products, Nanopharm has committed itself to developing the leading-edge technologies and tools needed for advanced OINDP development. Our complete nasal spray development capabilities include device selection, formulation development, product development, and analytical services, all supported with comprehensive regulatory support. Before Nanopharm’s Nasal CAST technology was created, there was no single in-vitro 3D model of the human nasal cavity that could generate representative deposition data of the entire nasal cavity. The Aeronose® Nasal CAST system was designed for the development of targeted nasal spray drug products.

The Aeronose® Nasal CAST in-vitro model provides a three-dimensional representation of the critical areas of interest within the nasal cavity. This includes the nose, nasal valve, floor of nasal cavity, turbinates, ethmoids, and rhinopharynx. Aeronose allows our scientists to generate complete and representative data no matter which nasal region is being targeted.

Nanopharm’s in-vitro Aeronose® Nasal CAST model can be used to quantitate the drug dose delivered to each region of the nasal cavity. Blocks of the nasal cavity model can be physically separated to allow for precise quantitation of drug deposition by target areas of interest. Used to visualize the spray deposition pattern within the nasal cavity we can determine optimal spray patterns for the desired targeted areas.

From early stages of development, Nanopharm’s Nasal CAST models can accelerate formulation and device selection. It can help determine if powder or liquid spray formulations would provide the required deposition in the target area using age differentiated models.

Advancing Nasal Drug Deposition Data

Nasal CAST in-vitro nasal cavity models can rapidly provide relatively inexpensive data that supports device selection, and formulation development for nasal spray products. Saving time and money with in-vitro Nasal CAST technology, our scientists can optimize the device and associated formulation based on the generated deposition data, before conducting costly and time-consuming human studies. The detailed, region of interest (ROI) specific deposition data, is particularly helpful in developing targeted nasal spray drug delivery systems, to the required specifications. Nasal cavity drug deposition is proven to have a direct impact the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of the drug product. Different sizes of our Nasal CAST models can be used to represent nasal cavity variability in the patient population which can impact clinical trial design and bioequivalence studies alike.

Realistic 3D Printed Models

Our 3D printed Nasal CAST models can be created to represent more complex and realistic nasal cavity models. Incorporating the ability to disassemble models into separate critical regions allow for a more specific analysis of deposition patterns. These Regions of Interest (ROI) may include nostrils, vestibule, turbinates, the nasopharynx or the olfactory region. The regions of the model found behind the nasopharynx can be used to detect small inhalable particles (<10μm) that could pass to the patient’s lungs when conducting human studies. This is useful for determining how much nasal spray drug could make it to the lungs when it is not intended or helpful to do so. Nanopharm applies additional features such as artificial mucous or coatings to replicate the natural mucous layer so that our scientists can better understand the entrapment of nasal spray droplets or particles in different regions of the nasal cavity.

Nasal CAST Range of Applications

Nanopharm’s Nasal CAST models can help to determine if a solid powder or liquid nasal spray formulation would provide greater deposition in a target region of the nasal cavity. From early stages of development, this can mean an accelerated timeline to device and formulation selection, before engaging human studies.  As there are differences between adult and pediatric nasal cavity properties, having different but representative Nasal CAST models can help to predict the potential differences in drug deposition, so that nasal spray products can be developed to meet requirements for each patient segment.




Nanopharm Aeronose® Nasal CAST Modeling Services

Nanopharm has all of the specialized tools needed to efficiently develop today’s powder or liquid nasal spray products. Our unique and proprietary Aeronose® Nasal CAST models provide detailed drug deposition data for virtually all regions of the nasal cavity. This supports the efficient development of nasal spray products, bringing them to the clinic and patients sooner.